"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ~ John 14:27"

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Grandpa


My Grandpa was an amazing man!  He was a carpenter and a farmer.  He loved living out on the farm and working the land.  Sadly, last Friday he passed away.  We had the funeral for him yesterday.  It was a nice funeral.  He was loved by so many and will be missed by many as well.  The only good thing is now he is in Heaven and all the answers we have asked for many years have been revealed to him! 
Pleas continue to keep our family in your thoughts and prayers.  Thanks!

This was on his obituary, I loved the poem and thought I would share

My Farm

My farm to me is not just land where painted buildings stand… to me my farm is nothing less than all created loveliness… My farm is not where I must soil my hands in endless dreary toil, but where through seed and swelling pod, I’ve learned to walk and talk with God… My farm to me is not a place outmoded by a modern race… I like to think I just see less of evil, greed and selfishness…

My farm is not lonely for all day I hear my children shout and play… And here, when age comes free from fears, I’ll live again long, joyous years… My farm’s a haven—here dwells rest, security, and happiness… Whate’er befalls the world outside—here faith and hope and love abide… And so my farm is not just land where painted buildings stand… To me, my farm is nothing less than all of God’s hoarded loveliness…

Author Unknown


And a song that was sang at the service

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Karen said...

So sorry for your loss, Nicole...and so thankful you will see your Grandpa again!

Cathy said...

Sorry for your loss Nicole and thanks for sharing this beautiful poem. God Bless

My Mad World said...

Thank you ladies! He will truly be missed!!


Nicole - Find me on Bloggers.com
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